Privacy & Security Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Who is Accerta?
AccertaClaim ServiCorp. Inc. (“Accerta”) is a social enterprise and a benefits management organization with over 60 years of experience in managing dental, denture, and vision programs across the province of Ontario. Accerta provides services to various provincial bodies and municipal entities for programs such as Healthy Smiles Ontario, Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program.
Q: How does Accerta get my Personal Information?
Accerta receives client information from the government plan sponsors of a benefits program. In some cases, Accerta may directly collect information from a client through the Accerta Contact Centre or a benefits application form. In such cases, Accerta collects the client information, on behalf of the relevant plan sponsor and uses that information only as necessary to administer the benefits program.
Q: How does Accerta keep my Personal Information safe?
Accerta has developed an information security program to protect client information. The information security program balances the need to protect the sensitive data in Accerta’s care, while consistently providing a high level of service for its customers that sponsor public wellness programs.
Baseline control measures are in place to deter a variety of negative risk scenarios from occurring, such as a breach of the confidentiality and integrity of personal information; industrial espionage; sabotage; and system unavailability.
For additional information on the Accerta information security program, see “Safeguards to Protect Your Information”.
Q: Is Accerta Compliant with Privacy Laws When Handling Personal Information?
Accerta will always comply with the privacy requirements outlined in service agreements it has in place with government plan sponsors, while also adhering to privacy laws and standards to ensure it applies the highest level of protection to personal information in its care.
Q: How do I contact the Accerta Privacy & Security Office?
You can contact the Accerta Privacy & Security Office by:
Mail: AccertaClaim ServiCorp Inc.
777 Bay Street, Toronto, ON, M5G 2C8
P.O. Box 134
Phone: 1-800-505-7430
Fax: 1-800-467-1839